The Fire and Rescue Department's dog unit searching for victims along the Sungai Kampar riverbank near the collapsed suspension bridge. -SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star - 27 October, 2009

Works Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor (right) looking at the uprooted foundation of the collapsed suspension bridge near SK Kuala Dipang. - SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star - 27 October, 2009

The Fire and Rescue Department's dog unit searching for victims along the Sungai Kampar riverbank near the collapsed suspension bridge. -SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star - 27 October, 2009

The Fire and Rescue Department's dog unit searching for the victims along the Sungai Kampar riverbank near the collapsed suspension bridge. -SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star - 27 October, 2009

A man walking near the ill-fated suspension bridge at Sungai Kampar which collapsed when a group of primary school students who were camping near the river were using it on Monday night. SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star - 27 October, 2009

The uprooted foundation of the suspension bridge at Sungai Kampar, which collapsed when a group of primary school students who were camping near the river, were using it on Monday night. -SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star - 27 October, 2009

12-year-old Nor Roazfazleen Azlan (left) being comforted by her grandmother Norlida Abd Hamid. She was among the students who had participated in a motivational camp, where a suspension bridge collapsed while a group of primary school students were using it on Monday night. -SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star - 27 October, 2009

12-year-old Muhammad Haziq Ting Mohd Salleh Ting being comforted by his mother Kharun Niza Zainudin. He was among the students who were participating in a motivational camp, where a suspension bridge collapsed while a group of primary school students were using it on Monday night. -SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star - 27 October, 2009

from the star ....
IPOH: A second victim's body of the Kuala Dipang bridge tragedy was found in Tanjung Tualang, about 16km away from the incident site.
Kampar OCPD Supt Abdul Aziz Salleh said the body of 11-year-old M. Devatharshini was found by a search and rescue team from Rela at about 11.30pm on Wednesday.
He said a post mortem had been carried out on the SKK Tamil Mambang Diawan pupil at the Kampar Hospital mortuary.
Her body now is at her home in Mambang Diawan.
Search is still on for the third victim V. Divyashree, 12.
KAMPAR: Mayat seorang lagi murid perempuan yang dihanyutkan arus deras apabila jambatan gantung yang digunakan untuk menyeberang Sungai Kampar di sini runtuh Isnin lalu, ditemui malam tadi.
Ketua Polis Daerah Kampar Supt Aziz Yusof berkata mayat Davadharshini a/p Maheswaran, 11, dari Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) Mambang Diawan ditemui terapung pada pukul 11.30 malam tadi berhampiran Jambatan Mat Selangor, Tanjung Tualang, 15 km dari tempat kejadian.
Mayatnya yang ditemui oleh anggota RELA telah dibawa ke Hospital Kampar untuk bedah siasat, katanya kepada pemberita hari ini.
Aziz berkata keluarga mangsa telah diberitahu berhubung penemuan mayat tersebut dan mayat mangsa akan dituntut oleh keluarganya hari ini untuk dikebumikan.
Operasi mencari seorang lagi mangsa, Diryasree a/p Vasudevan, 12, dari Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) Gopeng masih diteruskan membabitkan lebih 200 anggota penyelamat, katanya.
Sebelum ini mayat mangsa pertama Dina Dewe a/p Nathan, 11, ditemui pada pukul 8.40 pagi Selasa lalu berhampiran loji di sungai itu kira kira empat kilometer dari tempat dia terjatuh.
Tiga mangsa tersebut adalah antara 22 murid yang dihanyutkan arus deras apabila jambatan gantung yang digunakan untuk menyeberang Sungai Kampar runtuh pada malam Isnin lalu.
Bagaimanapun 19 mangsa berjaya diselamatkan oleh guru dan pengawal sekolah terbabit. BERNAMA
this tragedy have been a great topic this few days.....
lots of people blaming each other... i guess, this is a normal thing to happen in Malaysia.... i hope Malaysian would change..... i'm a bit speechless... but if you search the web, theres lots of debate going on about this topic, especially among recreational people as their point of view a bit different...
these picture are from the star online...