Wednesday, March 2, 2011
i was told that lately theres a rally organised by the hindraf, the rally never got the permit.
then, in tv3, theres story about Stupid Malays that spent their time in discos and dangdut club. Then i remember about once a malay friend of mine talk to me about his PUKIDA abang long asking him to bring new member.. as it is their source of income.. if my friend dont come up with 3 new people every month, their going to get somekind of punishment from their abang long.
This thought came to me.. what THE FUCK IS HAPPENING???
i was once told about this PUKIDA movement suppose to be islamic.. bla bla bla, and all the other bullshit they fed people with.
1. when the HINDRAF gather for the rally, WHERE THE FUCK IS PUKIDA?
2. when this young malay "bitch" going to disco to become as KAPIR as they can be... WHERE THE FUCK IS PUKIDA..???
3. when the old malay dancing with the teenager in dangdut club... WHERE THE FUCK IS THE PUKIDA???
4. when the malay guys doing stunts using theor father hard earn cheap motorcycle... WHERE THE FUCK IS THE PUKIDA....
do you dare to know the answer is??
for wuestion 1 : their at home telling lies on how powerful they are to new member. or... they maybe using their skills in communication (lies) in MLM... what a stupid malayss (malas)...
Q2. they were the not too islamic bouncers.
Q3. the Tok Ayah , Ayahanda, and abang Long is the one that dancing with all the malay bitch.
Q4 All the mat rempit is a PUKIDA member..
im telling you straight guys, other than putting some fancy sticker at their cars, and drive like a monkey while doing a stupid gengster face...
PUKIDA member is great in telling stories and lies.. while we,, the chinese and the indians knows that they were all COWARD!!!!! STUPID!!! BULLSHITTERS...
thats all they are, thats all they will be.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sumber: (Gambar) Kemalangan Ngeri Pada Tanggal 10.10.2010 Yang Membabitkan 6 Kenderaan | LimauAis
Monday, June 7, 2010
bantuan kemanusiaan ke GAza???
Saturday, April 3, 2010
as everyone knows, somesays that im a racist.. i hate Malays they say...
well.. if they read properly, i dont just hate Malays.. i "shoot" any race that i want...
but the Malay says that i attacked them most of the time...
well... lets see... so.. you all angry with me huh... SO WHAT THE FUCK THAT YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT? banned me? open your eyes... open your heart... read with you head n not with your ini tanah melayu"geran cina punya" hati... stupid... i hate people that doesnt walk the talk.
U muslim baik sangat ka?
U muslim berbudi bahasa sangat ka? check betul2 people arround you..
U muslim bersopan santun sangat ka? check the people arrounds you!
U muslim better driver? check your pak haji,ustazah doing double parking, drive annoyingly with no sense of sorry...
U muslim 3 LIne Pukimak baik sangat ka? wali ka you all? drive like no brainer while making gangster face?
bla bla bla bla..
than... again... i keep on thinking... why are the Malays hate me? while im just telling the Horrible truth??? they didnt read that i said not all of them? siapa makan cili dia yang rasa pedas la...
why they still mad at me? if me the other races with different religion talking bad things about them, well.. tepuk dada tanya selera, tanya diri sendiri.... kalau bangsa lain marah sama you all,,, of course laaa.... the different is just that they dont make it publicly... i just got a bigger balls...
Lu orang Islam, kalau marah orang cakap pasal lu... lu check la betul ka tak betul...
kalau betul apa lu buat? Nabi lu tak ajar ka? one of the ways to identify one weaknesses is by asking your enemy. thats what your lovely Mohamed tells you.. but i bet you didnt know kan? of coursr la you tak tau.. most of you are busy hailing your ISLAMIC celebrity... most of you are busy voting your favourite artist.. most of you are busy shuffling... most of you are busy doing MLM business... most of you are filling up the Jails.. the night club... while only just 1 STUPID DAMN ROW in your nearest mosque.. most of you busy doing sex before marriage and busy finding ways to make sure your woman didnt bear a child... most of you busy becoming a mat rempit n mat dadah n you are proud of that huh.... most of you are very proud to becomes a 3 LINE ,77, 363, 360, 313, bla bla bla bacul community... camon laa wei... what i say is correct right?
marah kaa????? ok sekejap.... there are so many links that i can give you all to show you how stupid these Malays are.. but then.. rather than gives you all of it.. i just give you ONE LINK!!!!!
then, stop giving me emails telling how angry you are with me... couse my grandfather n my grandmother are not MALAY! this one link i give it to you...
click it, becomes a member...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
St Augustine student mockering Islam?

i got this article from a blog of a muslim....
Budak Sekolah St Augustine_Betong Ajuk Orang Islam Sembahyang Jemaah Dalam Gereja - Se Memang menyirap tengok video ini. Ayat last budak ni memang tak tahan dengar “No More Muslim Muslim Is Ajaran Sesat”. Disini saya sertakan keratan akhbar mengenai isu ini, saya tidak pasti keratan akhbar ini dipetik dari mana. Menurut seorang ahli forum pula pelajar-pelajar ini ialah student rakannya di Sekolah Menengah St Augutine,Betong, Sarawak.
Ini sebenarnya pengajaran juga kepada umat Islam, kita tidak suka orang lain mengejek agama kita jadi jangan sesekali kita buat perkara yang sama dengan mengejek secara sengaja atau tidak agama lain. Jadi, kalau dengar budak ni dah mati kena hentak paham-paham jela kenapa kan? Rasa ini isu sangat sensitif untuk dipermainkan. Jika dulu hanya isu gambar hina islam pun dah menjadi isu inikan pula dengan video sebegini. Ini bukan kes pertama Islam dihina dinegara sendiri. Kenapa agaknya orang bukan islam terlalu berani seolah-olah isu ini bukan isu besar. Sampai bila kita orang islam akan dihina dan dipermain-mainkan di negara sendiri? “Melayu(Islam) Tak Pernah Lupa” as usual, in Malaysia, The so called ISLAMIC COUNTRY (Duh!)... mockering stupid islamic people were never a problem... i remember once samy vellu had said " apa, itu alquran boleh bina lebuh raya ka?"... and when he gave this statement, Mahathir is sitting besides him!... HAHAHAHA.... Theres lots of comment been posted as a response to this article. most of them is just anger.... well... as one of them said, one of the pupil that mockering is scared.... well.. let me tell you want thing boy... DONT BE SCARED.... YOU THINK MUSLIM IN MALAYSIA WILL TRY TO FIND YOU AND BEAT YOU???? CUT MY FINGER BOY, IT WONT HAPPEN! U THINK MUSLIM IN MALAYSIA GOT BALLS HUH? THEY AINT GOT ANY!!! think about it guys, this is just a video released, this doesnt mean it is the first event .... may be theres hundreds of it but not filmed !!!! in the other word, while muslims are praying... theres lots of people heard / passes by n smiling about what they have done way back ....... a smile of joy n sweet memories..... dont be scared of them or because you have make a joke out of them, they even do it themselves. trust me. lets say, wearing hijab is also a must by muslims as important as praying, how many millions are wearing tudung not the right way? ask the wife of all their MUSLIMS Prime minister n ministers. if praying is important, there are more in the stadium shouting with foul language trying to find ways to beat each other among themselves? dude, majority of muslims in malaysia are hypocrites. so, theres a very minor of them that is true muslim i guess. SO, IN THE other WORD, AS I SAID, DONT WORRIES OF THE MUSLIMS TRYING TO FIND YOU OR ANY OF THAT SHIT.... THEY WONT! history tells everything.... they are as dull as ever.... |
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Kuala Dipang Tragedy

The Fire and Rescue Department's dog unit searching for victims along the Sungai Kampar riverbank near the collapsed suspension bridge. -SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star - 27 October, 2009

Works Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor (right) looking at the uprooted foundation of the collapsed suspension bridge near SK Kuala Dipang. - SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star - 27 October, 2009

The Fire and Rescue Department's dog unit searching for victims along the Sungai Kampar riverbank near the collapsed suspension bridge. -SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star - 27 October, 2009

The Fire and Rescue Department's dog unit searching for the victims along the Sungai Kampar riverbank near the collapsed suspension bridge. -SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star - 27 October, 2009

A man walking near the ill-fated suspension bridge at Sungai Kampar which collapsed when a group of primary school students who were camping near the river were using it on Monday night. SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star - 27 October, 2009

The uprooted foundation of the suspension bridge at Sungai Kampar, which collapsed when a group of primary school students who were camping near the river, were using it on Monday night. -SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star - 27 October, 2009

12-year-old Nor Roazfazleen Azlan (left) being comforted by her grandmother Norlida Abd Hamid. She was among the students who had participated in a motivational camp, where a suspension bridge collapsed while a group of primary school students were using it on Monday night. -SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star - 27 October, 2009

12-year-old Muhammad Haziq Ting Mohd Salleh Ting being comforted by his mother Kharun Niza Zainudin. He was among the students who were participating in a motivational camp, where a suspension bridge collapsed while a group of primary school students were using it on Monday night. -SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star - 27 October, 2009

from the star ....
IPOH: A second victim's body of the Kuala Dipang bridge tragedy was found in Tanjung Tualang, about 16km away from the incident site.
Kampar OCPD Supt Abdul Aziz Salleh said the body of 11-year-old M. Devatharshini was found by a search and rescue team from Rela at about 11.30pm on Wednesday.
He said a post mortem had been carried out on the SKK Tamil Mambang Diawan pupil at the Kampar Hospital mortuary.
Her body now is at her home in Mambang Diawan.
Search is still on for the third victim V. Divyashree, 12.
KAMPAR: Mayat seorang lagi murid perempuan yang dihanyutkan arus deras apabila jambatan gantung yang digunakan untuk menyeberang Sungai Kampar di sini runtuh Isnin lalu, ditemui malam tadi.
Ketua Polis Daerah Kampar Supt Aziz Yusof berkata mayat Davadharshini a/p Maheswaran, 11, dari Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) Mambang Diawan ditemui terapung pada pukul 11.30 malam tadi berhampiran Jambatan Mat Selangor, Tanjung Tualang, 15 km dari tempat kejadian.
Mayatnya yang ditemui oleh anggota RELA telah dibawa ke Hospital Kampar untuk bedah siasat, katanya kepada pemberita hari ini.
Aziz berkata keluarga mangsa telah diberitahu berhubung penemuan mayat tersebut dan mayat mangsa akan dituntut oleh keluarganya hari ini untuk dikebumikan.
Operasi mencari seorang lagi mangsa, Diryasree a/p Vasudevan, 12, dari Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) Gopeng masih diteruskan membabitkan lebih 200 anggota penyelamat, katanya.
Sebelum ini mayat mangsa pertama Dina Dewe a/p Nathan, 11, ditemui pada pukul 8.40 pagi Selasa lalu berhampiran loji di sungai itu kira kira empat kilometer dari tempat dia terjatuh.
Tiga mangsa tersebut adalah antara 22 murid yang dihanyutkan arus deras apabila jambatan gantung yang digunakan untuk menyeberang Sungai Kampar runtuh pada malam Isnin lalu.
Bagaimanapun 19 mangsa berjaya diselamatkan oleh guru dan pengawal sekolah terbabit. BERNAMA
this tragedy have been a great topic this few days.....
lots of people blaming each other... i guess, this is a normal thing to happen in Malaysia.... i hope Malaysian would change..... i'm a bit speechless... but if you search the web, theres lots of debate going on about this topic, especially among recreational people as their point of view a bit different...
these picture are from the star online...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
- dont cycle like a "keling", cause they will keep cycling although theyre going downhill. well, in terms of competition, of course people cycle while going downhill. but u will notice the difference if u see how keling used to cycle.
- dont ride a bike like a keling,
- dont talk like a keling, as the person theyre talking to is a mile away,
- dont listen to the radio like a keling, as they will do their best, to make sure all their neighbor listen every detail of that horrible music their playing..
- dont upgrade your car like a keling, u can easily notice how the interior of the car becomes a disco.
- dont use telephone / handphone like a keling as they usually moves their hands like the one he is talking too can see his hands,
- dont think like a keling, of course they are the supreme human being that can fight bad guys like in most of the tamil and hindustan movies.
- etc etc etc...