i got this article from a blog of a muslim....
Budak Sekolah St Augustine_Betong Ajuk Orang Islam Sembahyang Jemaah Dalam Gereja - Se Memang menyirap tengok video ini. Ayat last budak ni memang tak tahan dengar “No More Muslim Muslim Is Ajaran Sesat”. Disini saya sertakan keratan akhbar mengenai isu ini, saya tidak pasti keratan akhbar ini dipetik dari mana. Menurut seorang ahli forum cari.com.my pula pelajar-pelajar ini ialah student rakannya di Sekolah Menengah St Augutine,Betong, Sarawak.
Ini sebenarnya pengajaran juga kepada umat Islam, kita tidak suka orang lain mengejek agama kita jadi jangan sesekali kita buat perkara yang sama dengan mengejek secara sengaja atau tidak agama lain. Jadi, kalau dengar budak ni dah mati kena hentak paham-paham jela kenapa kan? Rasa ini isu sangat sensitif untuk dipermainkan. Jika dulu hanya isu gambar hina islam pun dah menjadi isu inikan pula dengan video sebegini. Ini bukan kes pertama Islam dihina dinegara sendiri. Kenapa agaknya orang bukan islam terlalu berani seolah-olah isu ini bukan isu besar. Sampai bila kita orang islam akan dihina dan dipermain-mainkan di negara sendiri? “Melayu(Islam) Tak Pernah Lupa” as usual, in Malaysia, The so called ISLAMIC COUNTRY (Duh!)... mockering stupid islamic people were never a problem... i remember once samy vellu had said " apa, itu alquran boleh bina lebuh raya ka?"... and when he gave this statement, Mahathir is sitting besides him!... HAHAHAHA.... Theres lots of comment been posted as a response to this article. most of them is just anger.... well... as one of them said, one of the pupil that mockering is scared.... well.. let me tell you want thing boy... DONT BE SCARED.... YOU THINK MUSLIM IN MALAYSIA WILL TRY TO FIND YOU AND BEAT YOU???? CUT MY FINGER BOY, IT WONT HAPPEN! U THINK MUSLIM IN MALAYSIA GOT BALLS HUH? THEY AINT GOT ANY!!! think about it guys, this is just a video released, this doesnt mean it is the first event .... may be theres hundreds of it but not filmed !!!! in the other word, while muslims are praying... theres lots of people heard / passes by n smiling about what they have done way back ....... a smile of joy n sweet memories..... dont be scared of them or because you have make a joke out of them, they even do it themselves. trust me. lets say, wearing hijab is also a must by muslims as important as praying, how many millions are wearing tudung not the right way? ask the wife of all their MUSLIMS Prime minister n ministers. if praying is important, there are more in the stadium shouting with foul language trying to find ways to beat each other among themselves? dude, majority of muslims in malaysia are hypocrites. so, theres a very minor of them that is true muslim i guess. SO, IN THE other WORD, AS I SAID, DONT WORRIES OF THE MUSLIMS TRYING TO FIND YOU OR ANY OF THAT SHIT.... THEY WONT! history tells everything.... they are as dull as ever.... |
I hope you are right. It's easy to speculate like that when it's not your life on the line. People all over the world like Theo van Gogh have been killed over issues like this.
ReplyDeleteMuslims (and everyone else) are free to defend their religion if they feel they have been wronged. But do it with words and dialogue. When it comes to sending threats and intimidation like a bunch of barbarians, I strongly disagree with that. I would hope that we have moved pass the culture of settling things with violence and bloodshed.
Anyway, I will pray for those kids safety. Freedom of speech includes freedom to mock, offend, and ridicule or it will be meaningless. Religion as an ideology which dictates certain parts of our lives should not be immune to ridicule.
Like you said, there may be hundreds of thousands of muslims who won't actually do anything about this but all it takes is one fanatical extremist and the kids are dead.
what are you trying to say??? Muslim Got no balls??? what in God name are you trying to prove???
ReplyDeleteare you trying to be sarcastic??? please, if you cant write your views properly in English, please write in BM or any other language that you use as your mother tongue...
do you want us Muslims to retalite with force???
ReplyDeleteim not saying... im telling you that Muslims Dont Have any... What im trying to prove? im trying to prove that as usual.. Muslims just talk...
if i coudnt write proper english... dey.. u muslims malays didnt talk the proper malay anyway.. sendiri ludah langit.. kene muka sendiri la...
altough i believes it suppose to "retaliate" .. well
im damn sure you dun have the balls..
yup..all the indians are loved by india.so look at sri lanka,india and pakistan,..also all the chinese is loved by china,look at honkong and taiwan..aku tahu..bangsa manoriti di malaysia ni marah pasal ditindas,aku tgk blog ko ni seronok cerita pasal melayu di convert to kristian,buddha dan hindu and jadi cerita besar.tp bila cina,india or bangsa lain yang beragama kristian,hindu or buddha masuk islam.semua senyap jer.xberani pun nak tegur,betul x.terpaksa la guna blog sbg senjata.tapi xp,..aku dgn bangganya telah membawa seorang gadis india lari(she is so beautiful like a bollywood doll,comes from NAIR family)but aku bkn jahat,aku akan bimbing dia and jadikan dia wife aku..1 malaysia..so jgn sangka kami semua sama and nak menisdas bangsa2 korang.
ReplyDelete"Sebenarnya, bebudak ni students kawan aku kat smk st augustine, betong, sarawak. X silap anak pengetua sek tu pun terlibat sama. HELL!"
ReplyDeleteKalo kau ni kwn kpd budak2 tu, tak payah la kau nak khianat mereka.. ini kah yg dpanggil kwn? ha.. Dah2 la.. xpayah la nak memperbesarkan hal ini lagi,,,