u all should know by now that the pig flu is the disaster that the world is facing at the moment, with the death tolls on the rise... every nation are implementing the precoutionary motives while i type this... every nation dude, like a quarantine station at the airport...this includes Malaysia.... MARK MY WORD.. including malaysia....

Before this , we all know about the disease carried by the bird... the bird flu kills thousands of human around the world...
but i guess, we are missin a point heree...
wait a fraggin minute... WTF do you mean by quarantine area at the airport..... have you all forgotten about the nipah virus and the J.E back in the days? are we all that easyly forgetting?
well, insteadt of quarantine the airport... might quarantine the pig farming area also huh! than how about the damn pollution that the pig farm has cause????

well.. does chinese really needs pig as their daily supplement n healthy diet?
lets look at Singapore for a while.... the majority is chinese.... can u find any pig farm in singapore? theres non! they imported it... n its a waste for them.. they reallize the pollution it can cause, n throughout the years, they just dont eat much pork as malaysian does...
well... there goes the great malaysian...
maybe the goverment really afraid to anger the pig farmers because they worried that the pig farmers are BN supporter...
WELL EMBRACE YOUR STUPID SELVES, N TRUST ME... THE "TOTOK" N THE "BUKIT" CHINESE "MAK LAP KILANG PAPAN" ARE NOT BN SUPPORTER... so why afraid? errr..... its not because of the pig farmers actually... farmers breed n make food... the food will be distributed n exported.... then, the profit will goes to the goverment servant wages n salaries,,,
whatever.... actually, in my writings, im letting out lots of things to ponder... its ur call...
and for chinese.... or for any pig eaters....,,, u all should not be afraid, theres nothing wrong in eating pork.... SOME MELAYU PUN MAKAN BABI N SUKA MAIN SAMA BABI WOO.... WANNA PROOF? (wtf is the need to convert to Islam anyway huh?)