Friday, April 24, 2009

slow internet connections!!!!

Streamyx Sucks

well... u all get the idea wright?

well... this is one thing that u relly stuck n have to face everyday! the slowest in the world. the bloodsucking government are using this to make dzillions of profits while we are getting fucked everyday!!!!!

the other thing that i hate is the connections when u are using CIMBclicks!

its so slow, that sometimes u have to wait 30 minutes for a single tack number!!!!

dude, its not like im supporting the bloodsucking maybank, but that is the differential between both of you!!!! while maybank is very wellknown of being the bloodsucker! they indeed gives the best services!

while u cimb bank... if not because of the goverment backs u up, u have been bankrupt way... way... back... besides... from stupid malay Bumiputera bank, u becomes a cimb...
havent u learn nothing? do you still have to become the "what maybank will do now we will implement the same thing 10 friggin years later" kind of moron! fuckin bastich!!!!

its really funny, while we read on the news paper, on how these 2 company making lots of profits, while still giving the worst quality of services??? wait till i talk about the people stabbing PLUS Highways!!!! its really bullshit when they making profits, used it to make lots of wasting the peoples money EVENTS, n used just a small amount of it to improving their services???? welll...
before im ending my writing here, please dont get angry with me if u are any of these two company's employee....

1st.. because of (theres more company thats going to get it...)
2nd.. its not u stupid low life ranks that im talking about... im talking about the decision maker group....


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  2. slow? wei brader. aku guna streamix gak. dah ko guna streamix murah pnya, tu ar slow. lagi satu, ko guna pc kayu. lembab

  3. If you are interested in the evolution and usage of the Internet you should visit .

  4. kah3.aku pakai streamyx.
    yg pastiny bkn pakej paling murah (jgnla ambik yg paling murah)
    pc/laptop tu kene tahu cara penggunaanny.servis yg perlu dilakukan.sistem ape n knp die lembab.
    ni gune pc mcm pc tu harge 8 ribu.
    pc tu penting.streamyx no 2.
    so,dah betahun2 pakai streamyx.still no problems.
