u all should know by now that the pig flu is the disaster that the world is facing at the moment, with the death tolls on the rise... every nation are implementing the precoutionary motives while i type this... every nation dude, like a quarantine station at the airport...this includes Malaysia.... MARK MY WORD.. including malaysia....

Before this , we all know about the disease carried by the bird... the bird flu kills thousands of human around the world...
but i guess, we are missin a point heree...
wait a fraggin minute... WTF do you mean by quarantine area at the airport..... have you all forgotten about the nipah virus and the J.E back in the days? are we all that easyly forgetting?
well, insteadt of quarantine the airport... might quarantine the pig farming area also huh! than how about the damn pollution that the pig farm has cause????

well.. does chinese really needs pig as their daily supplement n healthy diet?
lets look at Singapore for a while.... the majority is chinese.... can u find any pig farm in singapore? theres non! they imported it... n its a waste for them.. they reallize the pollution it can cause, n throughout the years, they just dont eat much pork as malaysian does...
well... there goes the great malaysian...
maybe the goverment really afraid to anger the pig farmers because they worried that the pig farmers are BN supporter...
WELL EMBRACE YOUR STUPID SELVES, N TRUST ME... THE "TOTOK" N THE "BUKIT" CHINESE "MAK LAP KILANG PAPAN" ARE NOT BN SUPPORTER... so why afraid? errr..... its not because of the pig farmers actually... farmers breed n make food... the food will be distributed n exported.... then, the profit will goes to the goverment servant wages n salaries,,,
whatever.... actually, in my writings, im letting out lots of things to ponder... its ur call...
and for chinese.... or for any pig eaters....,,, u all should not be afraid, theres nothing wrong in eating pork.... SOME MELAYU PUN MAKAN BABI N SUKA MAIN SAMA BABI WOO.... WANNA PROOF? (wtf is the need to convert to Islam anyway huh?)

sape ko nak fuck kelantan???!
ReplyDeletesapa ko nak marah aku?
ReplyDeletebtw, bai, you silap posting ke?
ReplyDeleteem..btw..only the idiot person yang suke mencari kelemahan orang lain.
i juz want to say that..
what u hv done ni..xkan bagi ape2 makne kat diri u
berubahlah selagi u hv time..
nanti u tak sempat taubat..
di akhirat kelak u akan terseksa..
hai puki.
ReplyDeletemak kau kena main dengan orang kelantan ke? adik beradik kau kena rodok dengan orang kelantan ke? mak kau romen orang kelantan pastu mak kau kena tinggal ke?
aku harap kau bukan melayu. aku harap kau bukan cina. aku harap kau bukan india. aku harap kau bukan orang malaysia.
kenapa kau nak kecoh kecoh pasal flu yang sepupu kau spread? kesian sepupu sepupu kau. walaupun mereka babi, mereka tak bersalah.
and one more thing, broken english? kenapa? kira ada class la kalau tulis dalam bahasa inggeris sikit sikit? last last bahasa melayu jugaaaak kau tibai, kan?
kau tahu kan, lambat laun blog kau ini akan di flag, pastu kau akan dikantoikan? kau memang tak sayang nyawa.
kau lah babi, kau lah rempit, kau lah pariah. apa kau tulis dlm blog ni, segalanya tentang kau, kan?
yup..ak stuju ngn sunil moorthy..
ReplyDeletean eye opener, high five!
ReplyDeletewahhh.... now this is really a big joke....
ReplyDeletewei sunil... whats ur problem....
argue the point, are just trying to show who u are??? cepatnye melenting hahahaha
saya dah baca posting anda, sunil .... lu kenapa? what part of this posting yg buat u cakap macam tu?
ReplyDeleteaku berani kata ko sendiri yang bodoh
ReplyDelete"for chinese.... or for any pig eaters....,,, u all should not be afraid, theres nothing wrong in eating pork.."
inilah statement paling bodoh penah aku baca dari penulis blog tak bertauliah mcm ko ni
kajian sains menunjukkan dalam badan babi mempunyai bakteria yang sangat susah nak di hapuskan sampai kan ko sendiri mampus mkn babi pun bakteria tu akan ada dlm badan ko. bakteria tu juga bole mnyebabkan ko dpt penyakit. maybe penyakit babi gila ( aku saje create nama penyakit tu utk ko)
well, sebelum menulis pegi kaji fakta sains sbelum berlagak menjadi penulis blog yg bijak or bertauliah la ok.
oh..lagi satu 1 dunia mmg da terkejut pasal 1 wabak penyakit terbaru yg dinamakan selesema babi.
ko agungkan sgt babi tuh kan. ko ckp la kat 1 dunia yg babi tu x bagi effect apa2 pun pada manusia.
mesti saintis2 kat luar sana trmasuk aku sekali akan kata ko manusia gila yg sangkal kajian diorang...hahhaahhaha
well, use ur brain before posting it.
aku penuntut degree sains kesihatan. kalau kwn2 aku baca post ko ni mesti diorang kata ko tak ada otak.. muahahahhaha
owh yea...g la balik negara ko CHINA ke,
INDIA ke, INDON ke ...
yang ko sibuk2 duduk malaysia ni buat apa. dah duduk. bising2 plak.
sah la ko memang sengal+ tak ada otak
saya perlu buat kajian? saya tidak pandai?
ReplyDeletedude, careful... baca betul2....
"im letting out lots of things to ponder... its ur call... "
some people, easily "melenting" n become very angry, they even leave their sense behind, leave their ISLAM behind, bring out the devil inside them... i ask u to argue the point dickhead, my points up there, theres think to ponder, thats why im opening a informative argument..... melayu betul lah...
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ReplyDeleteonly focus on swine flu...what about mad cow disease? is this not counted? now your nickname speak for itself...hahaha
things to ponder laa ... i told u that....
ReplyDeletethe message is, if theres enough pig for malaysian market, why negeri sembilan once had the biggest pig farm in asia??? for whom? things to ponder la wei...
Gambar tu tak bole dijadikan proof pon untuk kata orang Melayu/Islam suke makan dan main dengan babi. Dalam Islam, tak haram pon nak pegang atau main2 dengan babi. Islam ajar penganutnye bersifat pengasih terhadap semua makhluk. Cume memakan daging babi sahaja yang haram.
ReplyDeletememakan daging babi sahaja yang haram? i guess my info about Islam are much better than you huh kid?
ReplyDeletehaizad, dalam islam kita dilarang menyentuh babi atau anjing. tapi kita wajib bantu kalau binatang ini dalam kesusahan.
ReplyDeleteyep thats right, kalau jumpa binatang dalam kesusahan , bolehlah ditolong selagi tak memudaratkan diri..
ReplyDeletetapi kalau dan sendiri menggatal nak pegi bela, nak jaga, tak tau la nak kata...
babi memang diharamkan dalam Islam.Mengikut sejarah babi dicipta oleh Allah hasil campur tangan syaitan untuk makan najis2 binatang2 lain yang ada di dalam bahtera nabi noh (Noah Ark).
ReplyDeleteTetapi jika dlm keadaan darurat tak salah makan.Salah satu sebab babi dicipta sebab nak menguji ketahanan mental manusia atas arahan tuhan.
Dalam budaya masyarakat Islam babi memang dipandang hina kerana sifatnya yang tersangat kotor dan menjadi wabak kebanyakan penyakit.
Anjing cuma haram disentuh.Tapi bukan binatang hina.Nabi Muhammad pun pernah menegur seorang Islam kerana menyiksa anjing.
what a stupid blog!
ReplyDeletethe one that said this blog is stupid is more than anyone else...
ReplyDeletewho eat chili taste the hot...
"i see, u see"
ini lah sebabnye islam mengharam kan umat nye memakan babi...sekian.
ReplyDeletep/s: tuan punya blog,..slia wat research dulu sblum tulis blog. kalau x tahu nk tuls, jgn tulis...ok..?
saya sebagai pelacur aja ngomong malaysia itu tuan dari pelacur
ReplyDeletemalaysia lebih hina dari seorang pelacur
ReplyDeletebabi sedap ba..... ada jg melayu muslim makan babi...walaupn bukan keadaan darurat......mereka cakap daging babi nie sedap..... islam makan babi.....